

The core API that you will be using most when using Terai, is the ts function.

The ts function is based in tagged templates, a more advanced form of template literals in Javascript, each call representing representing a translatable plain-text string.


In essence, ts is just a string that receives a string and returns its equivalent in the corresponding dictionary.


Terai provides a set of utils for obtaining the ts function, depending on the framework you're using:

  • useFormat: for React
  • getFormat: for Node
import { useTs } from '@terai/react'
export function Example() {
  const { ts } = useTs()
  return (
      <p>{ts`Hello, world!`}</p>


If you know how to use a variable in a template string, you already know how to use variables in ts.

import { useTs } from '@terai/react'
export function Example() {
  const { ts } = useTs()
  const name = 'world'
  return (
      <p>{ts`Hello, ${name}!`}</p>