Custom Translator

Custom Translator

Terai is flexible regarding how you handle your translation process, allowing you to configure any translator of your choice.

A translator is simply a function that takes a dictionary and a language code and returns a translated dictionary.


Consider the following terai.config.ts file in your project:

import { defineConfig } from '@terai/dev'
export default defineConfig({
  include: ['./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'],
  exclude: [],
  projectLocale: 'en-US',
  outLocales: ['es-ES', 'ja-JP'],
  outDir: './locale',

This configuration indicates that you are using en-US as your project locale and you want to generate translations for es-ES and ja-JP.

When you run terai extract, it gathers all project messages and generates a dictionary in the locale directory with the following structure:

  "dQxGBP": "Hello world!",
  "eUqyLy": "Just focus on your messages and Terai will take of the rest!"

Now, let's add a custom translator to your configuration:

import { defineConfig } from '@terai/dev'
import type { Translator } from '@terai/dev'
const translator: Translator = async ({
  dictionary, // Dictionary to be translated (en-US)
  locale, // Destination locale (es-ES or ja-JP)
  projectLocale, // en-US
}) => {
  // Connect to any external service to translate your dictionaries
export default defineConfig({
  include: ['./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'],
  exclude: [],
  projectLocale: 'en-US',
  outLocales: ['es-ES', 'ja-JP'],
  outDir: './locale',

With this setup, every time you run terai extract, Terai will call your custom translator function to translate the dictionary to the desired locales.


Ensure that the translator function returns a dictionary with the same keys as the original dictionary.

If everything goes well, you will find the translated dictionaries in the locale directory:

  "dQxGBP": "¡Hola mundo!",
  "eUqyLy": "¡Solo concéntrate en tus mensajes y Terai se encargará del resto!"
  "dQxGBP": "こんにちは、世界!",
  "eUqyLy": "メッセージに集中するだけで、Teraiが残りを引き受けます!"